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Money Trading

There are many types of investors and, at the risk of oversimplifying a complex topic, let me start with two categories: smart investors and dumb investors. That latter category includes, for example, friends and family. Dumb investors are not necessarily bad investors, since they have money and often very good intentions. They tend to invest […]

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Trading Money On The Internet

If you are raising money for a firm in an established business segment with notable competitors, experience in your field is critical in winning over investors. Without adequate prior experience, ideally as a former executive in a firm related to your market/technology focus, investors will not believe that you know enough about the inner workings […]

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Recent posts about trading services


Many CE Os will seek out assistance from experienced fundraisers to help them with tuning the presentation materials, making investor introductions, and reviewing term sheets, among other items. Often there is a temptation to the let the outside fundraiser run the process and tightly control content and follow-up efforts. In general, this is a mistake […]

News Letters

Smart investors can be individuals investing from their own funds or professionals representing the interests of clients who have placed funds with them. They invest those funds based on a deeper analysis of risks/rewards of each specific opportunity. At the extreme end of this spectrum are highly skilled teams from reputed venture capital and private […]

Knowledge Base

During the past ten years, our firm’s investors have generally shifted their investment preferences toward later-stage firms, where the time to exit (i.e., realize a return) are less than with start-ups. Many of our investors have also asked us to evaluate making investments in smaller public companies, so-called “micro-caps.”1As a result, we have been exposed […]

Time is Money

Top Best and things to Do When Looking for a Place to Trade

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